Your First Visit

Experience comprehensive and wholesome dental care right here in Vaughan

From the moment you step in, you will be met by an experienced and passionate team dedicated to providing the experience you deserve in an environment you will feel comfortable in.

For any patient under 18, please refer to Your Child's First Visit.

Please bring these to your first appointment:

  • your identification card (drivers license, etc.)
  • insurance card (if applicable)
  • previous dental records (X-rays)
  • any documentation regarding medical conditions.

On your first visit, your dental care and medical history will be reviewed with a fresh perspective. This exam will probably be different than initial visits experienced with other dentists. That's because U Shine Dental takes a holistic approach, not only exploring dental issues but nutritional, and lifestyle ones as well. So in addition to questions such as: How long have you had amalgam fillings? Any bleeding gums, or mouth ulcers; we'll ask whether you suffer from headaches, how well you sleep and how you cope with stress. Your answers will provide insights into the state of your health and help with the development of a nutritional program that helps to build a strong immune system to ensure healthy teeth and gums.

Once the paper work is finalized you'll receive a complete oral health examination. Your dentist will inspect your mouth for any sign of dental risks ranging from cavities to oral cancer. X-rays of your mouth will be taken to complete your assessment. A tongue analysis may also be used to explore malnutrition and other deficiencies.

Your plan will include oral maintenance practises and potential dental services needed, all based on your current medical records and your plans for the ideal smile.

We encourage you to ask any question regarding oral health. We want you to feel comfortable in getting to know more about your oral health.

Keep in mind; If you are rescheduling or cancelling your appointment, we request notice 48 hours prior to your appointment time.

Rediscover your smile
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Your Child's First Visit

Creating a positive experience for young children and dental work is a must for a lifetime of good oral health. The ideal age for a first visit is approximately three years old when all of the baby teeth are in place. Children as young as two are encouraged to tag along with parents to familiarize themselves with the office and the dental chair. If you're looking for children's dentistry in Maple, look no further.


The first few appointments are designed to build confidence in your child and will consist only of procedures that they are comfortable with. We want your little one to leave with a smile on their face!

If that means just a ride in the chair, a few smiles, and a picture of their teeth then that is what the first visit will be. Generally, visits start with the hygienist explaining oral care, checking teeth and gums, and even polishing and x-raying the teeth depending on age and cooperation. At the end of the visit the dentist will also check the teeth and gums and will reiterate the job well done.

Children will receive their own toothbrush and be able to choose some stickers. Our goal is to instill good oral hygiene practices at an early age and to prevent future issues before they arise.

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Positive Dental Experiences

Our Dentists and the entire team of Hygienists, Associate Dentists and support staff are committed to making sure your child develops a successful and trusting relationship with our office and the Dentist in general. Our goal is to help your children develop proper oral hygiene and oral care habits. This depends on positive experiences at the dental office so that they feel comfortable keeping their teeth and gums healthy for life.

How We Do It

Right from the beginning we'll show them that coming to the dentist can be fun and exciting. Kids typically love to learn, explore and ask questions. By allowing them to explore and understand dentistry at their pace, much of the fear and apprehension simply fades away, and they start to look forward to their routine appointments. Not only do the appointments become easy for them, but they are very receptive to what they can do at home to help keep their teeth healthy. Even in the healthiest of mouths, it's possible that a cavity or other dental issue can develop. U Shine Dental team is even more focused on making sure that when dental work is necessary, the end result is a happy and satisfied child who retains his/her positive feeling toward the dental office. We usually start off doing the gentlest work first to show them how easy it is.

Fillings and Cavities

Many early cavities can be filled without the need for local anesthetic. When local anesthetic is necessary we tell them stories and keep them relaxed while the freezing sets in. Many children don't even know they received the anesthetic until they feel the sensation in their lips. Our favourite words at the end of any appointment are, that was easier than I thought! As your child jumps out of the chair a high-five from the dentist sends them on their way. At times, it may be necessary to fix several cavities at the same time or remove a baby tooth. For some children this will be a routine procedure, but for others it can cause some anxiety. Our goal though, is always the same. We want to get the treatment completed as successfully as possible while maintaining the positive feeling for the Dentist and our office. In some cases, we will use laughing gas and mild sedation. In more severe cases it's necessary to refer you to our team of pediatric specialists to make sure the positive experience continues.

Special Cases

The specialist's office is geared totally for kids and the environment is completely child friendly. This alone can often reduce anxiety so that laughing gas or sedation may not even be necessary. Our specialists work with anesthetists and can complete the work on your child while they are asleep if necessary. All this is done so that a fear of the dentist doesn't develop and the best possible treatment is performed. Should a referral to our specialists be deemed necessary, we work in close contact to ensure your child is well taken care of. Our specialists also work hard to create a positive environment and make your children feel important and comfortable. If you have any suggestions as to what work best for your child please talk to us about it.

Class Presentation on Dentistry

U Shine Dental team would love to come to your child's school and give a presentation about dentistry for their class. If you're interested in a presentation please ask us for details.

Hygiene Maintenance Appointments

A hygiene maintenance appointment is designed to keep your teeth and gums in optimal condition after any active disease has been addressed. Additional appointments may be necessary if any active treatment needs to be completed.

For example, as a new patient when you come to our office we thoroughly assess your gums. If you are diagnosed with gum or periodontal disease we will recommend that you have treatment to address the active disease.

Once your condition is treated and stable, a specific maintenance schedule will be designed just for you to sustain the treatment, and keep your mouth healthy.


At your hygiene maintenance appointment, we update your health history, check your blood pressure, complete a brief oral cancer screening, and assess your teeth and gums. Once a year we measure all of your gums to accurately assess their health. Your teeth will be professionally cleaned, polished and flossed. We also recommend a once yearly fluoride application to help prevent cavities.

On average, routine appointments are recommended every 2-6 months depending on the patient and their specific needs.

These appointments are critical and they allow us to keep a close eye on your health. Keeping up with your hygiene appointments gives us the best chance to detect and treat problems early.

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Complete Oral Exam

Many patients believe that each time they come in for their hygiene maintenance appointment, a complete examination of their mouth is performed. While we do look around the whole mouth, at the gums, teeth and a brief oral cancer screening; it's mostly obvious signs of problems and earlier concerns that we find and follow up on.

The complete oral exam (COE) is a much more in depth examination and allows for a much more accurate assessment of your oral health.


During the COE we specifically examine every aspect of every tooth, the gums and bone around each tooth, the characteristics of your bite and if any changes are occurring. We also perform a more thorough oral cancer, head and neck exam. In addition to the examination of your mouth a COE includes x- rays to allow a proper, complete assessment of your oral health.


A COE is done for all new patients to the office and for current patients every 5 years unless there is a significant change that needs to be investigated further. Patients under the age of 20 years will receive a COE, although it is typically much less involved.

Why Should I Have A Complete Exam?

Especially for new patients, the COE is our opportunity to really get to know your mouth, and more importantly to get to know you. We want to understand what your goals are for your smile and overall health, so that we can achieve them together. It's the COE that allows us to form a strategy to help keep your teeth strong and healthy for life. The strategy helps us prioritize more urgent treatment and helps us map out a long term vision for success.

As we all age, changes occur. A lot can happen in a 5 year period, and it's important to fully examine your teeth, document any changes that have occurred and decide what action is required.

Your 5 year COE is designed to find and address problems early while they are more manageable or at least determine when they will need to be addressed. This is one of the most critical ways to keep your teeth problem free and allow you to eat and smile with confidence.

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Get the perfect healthy smile you deserve. Regardless of your dental circumstance, Dr. Forman and Dr. Ranu have the experience you can trust along with state-of-the-art solutions to create a custom dental treatment plan to help you achieve your goal.

View our patients smiles below. The before and after photos speak for themselves.



Fernando Pannozzo





Why Should I Have A Complete Exam?

Exposure to radiation from dental x-rays is minimal. U Shine Dental switched to digital intra-oral x-rays in January 2010 allowing us to cut your exposure by 50%. You will always be protected by a lead apron with a thyroid collar. In actuality, you'll be exposed to about one fifth of the radiation you receive from living in a brick house for one year.Especially for new patients, the COE is our opportunity to really get to know your mouth, and more importantly to get to know you. We want to understand what your goals are for your smile and overall health, so that we can achieve them together. It's the COE that allows us to form a strategy to help keep your teeth strong and healthy for life. The strategy helps us prioritize more urgent treatment and helps us map out a long term vision for success.

As we all age, changes occur. A lot can happen in a 5 year period, and it's important to fully examine your teeth, document any changes that have occurred and decide what action is required.

Your 5 year COE is designed to find and address problems early while they are more manageable or at least determine when they will need to be addressed. This is one of the most critical ways to keep your teeth problem free and allow you to eat and smile with confidence.

How Often Do I Need X-Rays?

New patients will have x-rays taken when they enter the practice. After that, we will take a few x-rays every 1-2 years for adults and a full set every 5 years as a part of the Complete Oral Exam.

If you've had x-rays taken within the last year, we can request that they be transferred to our office.

What If I Don't Want X-Rays?

You are always allowed to refuse x-rays for yourself or for your children. We don't recommend avoiding x-rays as they greatly enhance our ability to find and treat problems. We may, in some cases require that you sign a release when we have serious concerns; however you always have the final say.

How Much Radiation Do X-Rays Expose Us To?

Exposure to radiation from dental x-rays is minimal. U Shine Dental switched to digital intra-oral x-rays in January 2010 allowing us to cut your exposure by 50%. You will always be protected by a lead apron with a thyroid collar. In actuality, you'll be exposed to about one fifth of the radiation you receive from living in a brick house for one year.

Is Holistic Dentistry right for you?

While dentists everywhere focus on dental health and the treatment of oral disease, a holistic dentist will also focus on your whole body or general health. And holistic dentistry presents itself as a healthy comprehensive health care alternative with the ideal blend of modern dentistry and natural healing methods.

Your lifestyle, even your emotions and behaviour, may have a direct relationship with your oral health. you're unique, so it is logical to think that you may not respond equally to the same stimuli as other dental patients. That's why your natural treatments will be different, with personalized attention to take care of you according to your specific needs.

What are some of the benefits of holistic or natural dental care?

Natural dentists aren't your typical dentists. Holistic dentists focus on your whole health and its relationship with your oral health rather than using quick fixes. Holistic dentists promote health and wellness rather than the treatment of diseases. This leads to many benefits including:

Use of Safe, Healthy Materials

Many materials that have been used by your average dentists over the years are often bad for your health. Silver amalgam fillings for example, contain 50 percent mercury, one of the most toxic substances around. U Shine Dental uses alternative solutions that take your health and wellness into consideration.

Fluoride treatments are not healthy for your teeth either. While long believed to cure cavities, recent research shows that fluoride may actually cause health problems such as: Brain damage, arthritis, dementia, bone cancer, muscle disorders, and more. U Shine Dental only use materials that are free of toxins and adopt treatments that won't harm your health.

Treating the Body as a Whole

Instead of just focusing on the smile, as a holistic dental practice U Shine Dental also considers how everything done to the mouth will affect your overall body. Holistic dentists are well-versed in the oral systemic connection, understanding how the bacteria and problems within the mouth can carry through the bloodstream and into the rest of the body, increasing one's risk for many medical conditions.

When caring for a diabetic patient for example, U Shine Dental will help that patient understand how he or she can manage blood sugar levels best by following best practices for oral hygiene care and a healthy program of diet and exercise.

Using natural or holistic techniques, U Shine Dental can help relieve disorders like chronic fatigue, sinusitis, heart burn, irritable bowel, mood disorders and poor concentration.

Holistic Dentists Rarely Use X-Rays

X-rays can be harmful to your health because of their high radiation exposure. That's why holistic dentists only use digital X-rays which are approximately 50 percent lower in radiation than traditional dental X-ray machines. As radiation is still present even in the digital X-rays, U Shine Dental use these sparingly.

Does holistic dental care cost more?

The cost for holistic dental care is similar to average dentists for cleaning and office visits. But keep in mind that mercury is inexpensive so the composites used for fillings tend to cost more.

And as mentioned earlier, the cost of repairing a smile after poor oral health care will always remain the same. By maintaining one's oral health, you can avoid the development of unwanted conditions such as cavities, periodontal disease, and even natural tooth loss, which in turn reduces visits and can actually reduce overall cost.

Is Holistic Dentistry covered by insurance?

Many of the dental treatments offered by U Shine Dental already incorporate holistic practices and are covered by your dental insurance. Full coverage depends on the procedure and your insurance. We're happy to check your insurance coverage to see what you personally would be covered for.

What makes a dental practice holistic?

As holistic dentists we consider the biocompatibility of materials used for dental procedures such as crowns, fillings, and even fluoride treatments. Treatments are customized for you to eliminate adverse affects and include discussions surrounding home care, diet, and nutrition to prevent, diagnose, and treat accordingly.

U Shine Dental offers a personalized nutritional program designed to help provide your body with vital ingredients and nutrients to help alleviate some of the following dental issues:

  • Mercury Amalgam/Silver Filling Removal/Toxicity
  • Periodontal Disease
  • Candidiasis (Thrush)
  • TMJ Disorders/Syndrome
  • High cavity rates
  • Halitosis (Chronic Bad Breath)
  • Dental Anxiety, pain relief and infections
  • And much more!